Product Information
Key features
- Reduce heat loss from surface by up to 75%
- Reduce vapour loss from surfaces by up to 90%
- Reduce splashing from the liquid surface
- Increase stability of the bath temperature
- Save energy
- Reduce replacement liquid costs
- Create a more pleasant working environment
- Reduce corrosion by vapour on building structure
Hollow polymer floating ball blanket in sizes from 10mm to 150mm
Frogspawn Thermal Insulation Spheres form a floating blanket ideal for use on the top of open process tanks.
The system consists of hollow polymer spheres which are usually polypropylene that are floated on the surface of the liquid to provide a continuous insulating layer. Workloads like jigs and components can easily pass through the layer.
The system is used extensively by electroplaters, anodisers, steel processors and chemical manufacturers.
Sizes from 20mm to 50mm in PP are held in stock others are available by special order from our sales office.
Diameter | Packing Unit | Average weight | Coverage per m² |
10mm | 5000 | 0.2g | 11600 |
20mm | 2000 | 1.0g | 2900 |
25mm | 2000 | 1.5g | 1850 |
38mm | 2000 | 4.5g | 800 |
45mm | 1000 | 7.0g | 570 |
50mm | 1000 | 8.0g | 465 |
70mm | 500 | 15g | 235 |
100mm | 100 | 32g | 116 |
150mm | 50 | 90g | 51.5 |